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The philosophy

About Camera Easy


The philosophy

About Camera Easy


About Camera Easy


Camera Easy is my philosophy on photography. I have been a professional photographer for 20 years and I have been teaching photography for 15. During these first 20 years of digital photography, things have become pretty complicated to say the least. Apertures, white balance, downloading, uploading, resizing, bracketing, focus zones, auto this, auto that, don’t forget to change the thing…aahhhhhhhh. It’s overwhelming.

This is where Camera Easy comes to the rescue. My philosophy and teaching style is to eliminate all the distractions. Camera’s are relatively simple tools, however, today’s cameras have way to many bells and whistles and buttons and dials. Its very distracting, creates confusion and prevents newbies from getting any enjoyment out of their new investment.

Whats different about Camera Easy? For starters, I am not going to give you a bunch of theory on camera stuff that you will never use. Imagine the size of the camera manual and then imagine trying to memorize all of the features and buttons and dials and how they work. Its unrealistic. I don’t even mention the things you won’t use. Camera Easy is at its core, my own personal method of shooting photos. This is what I do. 

You may wonder why my title is listed as The Tornado Hunter. That is what I do (Tornado Hunters, on Netflix US). I am a storm chaser and photographer first. I travel all over North America hunting down the baddest storms I can find. I want you to imagine shooting photos in that environment…you need to:

  1. Get it right the first time, there is no second chance (same as photographing a wedding)…
  2. Work quickly, there is very little time to fiddle with settings… and
  3. Get great quality, sharp, focused and brilliant images.

Oh, and there is a tornado headed your way. That’s why Camera Easy works. It works because I have to keep it as simple as possible or I cannot do these three things. For me its a tornado coming towards me. For you, it may be a 3 year old making a funny face or a bride walking down the aisle. Its easy. And it works. You will understand how the camera works and you will really start to enjoy photography. I guarantee it.

Greg Johnson, The Tornado Hunter.
